


At Minelab, We Value Our People. We Believe It’s Our People That Make Us Great.

We value diversity in our people and their expertise, employing around 100 people worldwide with experience in the design, manufacture, management and global marketing of our innovative technology. We welcome people who share our values and commitment to our core purpose.

Our teams are multi-disciplinary, tertiary qualified in the fields of Engineering, Technology, Maths and Sciences, Business and Economics, Human Resources, Marketing, Finance and Accounting.

A career at Minelab is an opportunity to be part of a dynamic global business that reaches all corners of the world.

Con oficinas en cuatro lugares globales (Adelaide, Cork, Chicago y Dubai), y siendo parte del Grupo Codan de empresas, Minelab ofrece oportunidades de carrera a través de muchas funciones de negocios, incluyendo ventas y marketing, ingeniería, manufactura y finanzas. El grupo Codan emplea varios cientos de personas en el mundo y se ha comprometido a una innovadora comunidad de trabajo de alto rendimiento para la creación de productos inteligentes.

Para saber más acerca de cómo unirse al grupo Codan haga un clic aquí.

Siga Minelab en LinkedIn aquí.

Current Positions

View current vacant positions across the Codan Group here.

We are committed to our core values

Our core purpose is to deliver superior shareholder value by growing a lasting and innovative organisation that consistently creates outstanding customer experiences.

  • Show determination to take the right action to achieve sustained results
  • Demonstrate the courage to commit and follow through, no matter the situation
High Performing
  • Commit to defining and achieving ambitious goals
  • Drive continuous improvement and embrace change
  • Encourage our colleagues and teams to achieve their full potential
Customer Driven
  • Engage with target customers to build long-term relationships that will develop and enhance brand loyalty
  • Exceed customers' / internal stakeholders' expectations today and into the future with innovative and focused solutions
Openness & Integrity
  • Respect others' views and willingly consider new ideas
  • Treat others with dignity
  • Speak and act honestly and ethically at all times
  • Provide and receive open and constructive feedback regularly

Creemos firmemente que las personas que adoptan nuestros Valores fundamentales y nuestro Código de conducta nos conducirán al futuro como las mejores tecnologías de detección de metales del mundo.

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