

Rare find in Scotland

30 Jan 2018

It was a club dig and as always it was raining ! however undeterred we set off across the fields allocated for the day. The going was heavy due to how saturated the ground was but the CTX 3030 was getting great depth. On reaching the field furthest from where we were all parked I concentrated on an sloping area in front of an old mansion. Hearing a great signal ( confirmed with the numbers on the screen ) I dug expectantly. Not for a minute could I have imagined what I was about to unearth ! It was silver, round and heavily tarnished but luckily I had some foil with me. I wiped over it a few times and my jaw dropped in disbelief ! A Henry VIII Groat !! English king from 1509 - 1547 and the condition was outstanding :-)) I've been detecting for years and only ever seen one other, at that point, being found in Scotland so you can imagine how excited I was and still am :-))

Sinky - Scotland, UK

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