

GPZ 7000 - Field Success (USA)

18 Feb 2015

“I was finding gold right and left as if this location had never seen detector before.”

“I was having a ‘Eureka Moment’, the whole experience was mind blowing. The GPZ 7000 was working some serious electronic magic. I have not found that many large chunks of gold that fast in very many years–1.6 ounces of gold in less than three hours! The GPZ was able to detect fine specimen gold at depths far exceeding what one of the best hot VLF detectors could attain in this soil.”

“The GPZ 7000 is taking gold detecting to the NEXT LEVEL, and I am very fortunate to be one of the first people to see its power first hand. My goal for the upcoming year is to spend as much time as possible using this detector in known gold locations.”

Steve Herschbach, USA

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