

A view of early 1900s life.

03 Feb 2018

Summer of 2017 was more productive that I ever dreamed I would have when I started this hobby. A few friends and I found some great detecting spots in Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes. The CTX 3030 became like Rumpelstiltskin as it just kept producing silver and gold. I would detect the same areas over and over again and things would keep popping up. The CTX 3030 finds those deep targets that everyone else missed. Everything I found was old from the late 1800s to early 1900s and in every shape and size from late 1800s European gents ring to gold 3 different gold dental work with teeth still in them, barber halves, walk halves, and even a seated dime. Here is a picture of my 2017 gold and silver finds. I found 59 gold finds, 51 being gold rings. 159 silver coins.

Mike - Minnesota, USA

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