

A Christmas Miracle

03 Jan 2016
Find of
the Month

On Boxing Day I headed down to the local beach to start burning off that dreaded Christmas pudding. It started out like a normal mornings detecting, a few coins, a lot of junk and a random pair of sunglasses. Then came the lull. The 50-100 metres of silence which tends to switch my brain to autopilot, while my eyes wander around for something more stimulating. After what seemed an eternity I was awoken from the trance by a deafening signal that I swear, nearly blew my headphones off. Two scoops down (roughly 6 inches) I uncovered a heavy ring. A men's wedding band with D375 and "I Do 24.05.2014" engraved on the inside. I went home and began my search for its owner, starting with the lost and found groups on social media.

After two days and 5 messages telling of other lost wedding bands on the area I was beginning to lose hope. That was until my fiancé did an internet search for the wedding date. The first result was an album on a local wedding photographers Facebook page. We searched through the photos but couldn't get a clear picture of his ring. So I sent the groom a private message asking if he had recently lost his wedding band. His description of the ring was spot on and I learnt that he had lost it on Christmas Day.

By the time I got to his house there was a "thank you" carton of beer waiting for me! I found out the ring was quite expensive and the D hallmark is for the brand name Dora. It was an awesome feeling finding such an expensive ring, but an even better feeling when I returned it to its owner. Thank you Minelab for such a great hobby.

Daniel - QLD, Australia

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