Explorer SE

Extremely Rare

12 Feb 2012

We were waiting for the rest of the club to turn up for a club dig. Our chairman Frank told me later he looked around the car park, looked at the frosty conditions and thought we were all mad! We arrived at the field and my heart dropped, the field had been freshly ploughed and was white over with frost. I had a talk with Frank and he pointed out a Saxon church and a Roman road we wondered if there was a path in between. I wandered down the field with my trusty Explorer SE digging up a Victorian penny and then a medievel spur rowel which was a good start. The going was rough and the top four inches of ground was frozen solid, I thought I was in an area where I thought there could have been a path and was digging up shotgun cartridges, then I received a good two way signal, the cross on my screen was half way across and up clear of the bottom line - I had to dig this one!

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